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Friday, 23 December 2011

10 Suggestions for PMP Aspirants

First of all congrats for those all aspiring to be a PMP… for it is a great certification and also a greater responsibility when you handle projects.
Here are the guidelines.
1. Register in PMI.ORG site for PMI membership by paying around 130
2. Being a PMI member will get you access to PMBOK handy guide which is very helpful for PMP.
3. Then contact any local PMP training centers…I did attend the boot camp with www.knowledgehut.com class in Singapore which was very good. The material and guidance given was great.
4. Now is the time you can buy books to assist you in your preparation. I would recommend Andy Crowe’s PMP Pass on First Try or Rita for reference. PMI site itself got lots of books and being a PMI Member gets you free access to 24*7 book store where you can find reference material on subjects like Risk Planning, Earn Value Management and Procurement
5. Once your finish attending mandatory training (boot camp) with any of the quality training providing institutions (my favorite is knowledgehut), please register for the exam having a date in mind. Check the PMI site for exam fee details.
6. Exam application itself is a lengthy process for you to map all your relevant project experience and education evaluation and the 35 hours mandatory course certificate you get from the boot camp. So have your details drafted out clearly as you start filling in the application form.
7. Now that you set your D Date in calendar and pay the exam fee to the nearest centre through prometric website. Concentrate on your preparation
8. Read the 42 processes in the given order carefully. Concentrate and recognize the flow of each process and their inputs and outputs along with tools and techniques. Once you are done with it, write down the formulas at least 5 times to memorize. This will help you during the exam
9. Read PMBOK study material thoroughly once
10. Now is the time to take the online practice exams with 4 hours for 200 questions. Take this practice test seriously, for these tests help you get used to the exam tension. Check the online knowledgehut Mock Exams.
The Day before the exam, relax, read the process chart, formulas, glossary for definitions, eat well, and sleep early.
On the day of the exam, keep yourself tension free, eat a good breakfast and schedule a exam around noon so that you will have time to revise your formulas and processes chart and head to your exam centre well in advance. Don’t forget to take your photo id card and the exam letter you received from the prometric centre. Besides everything put your experience and common sense and attention to best use for it will help clear PMP on first try with your preparation and experience.
During the exam, try taking a break for 2-3 minutes after every 1 hour. This will not only help you get refreshed but also help you concentrate better during the rest of the exam. Try not getting distracted with anything around you. Use the tutorial time to brain dump any formulas or processes that you would like to refer during exam in the sheets given to you in the examination centre. Maintain utmost integrity and fullest attention in the best of 4 hours of your life that would bring in the most valued and cherished three letters behind your name: PMP!!!

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